We have experience in energy-efficient building techniques using structural insulated panels (SIPs).
To construct energy-efficient buildings, you need to understand building science. SIPs
are very energy efficient and, with the popular emergence of green construction, our education in how buildings live and breathe has been very important to our success.
In addition to our experience with energy-efficient building techniques, Tamarack Construction has in-depth building experience. We offer design / build services with in-house drafting, if appropriate, for a particular project. We know the intricacies of what it takes to get a project off the ground, from design / pre-construction through construction and final delivery of product to ownership. We understand the importance of positive working relationships with owners, architects, and other professional consultants involved in a project. Quality in the field is important, and quality in the process of accounting, documentation, and follow-up is just as important.
At Tamarack Construction, we strive to deliver the best possible building / contracting experience for a client at a fair price for all. Building structures to last a lifetime can only be accomplished by building them right the first time. To get started on your commercial or residential building project, call 406-777-7164 or visit us at 40 Stevi Cutoff Road in Stevensville, MT.